by the whole thing.
I most especially hate the vitriol and bs and juvenile name-calling hurled against Hillary Clinton and her "supporters" by - it seems - a majority of posters on DU. I'm seriously considering leaving as I do not want to associate myself with people so ignorant, petty, low-minded, vicious - and need I say it - many (most?) of whom are mysogynistic. If I didn't know where I was, I'd think I was on FR!
I most definitely am NOT a racist - my SON IS AN AFRICAN AMERICAN! I was ecstatic that Obama was a candidate initially. What a wonderful thing to be able to point to for my 9 yo son and say - look - that man could be PRESIDENT!! At the beginning I felt pretty good about either one of them winning - either way I thought would be an improvement for this country and a huge step forward for equal rights.
But I don't think he has the experience and the maturity to do the job that well. (Though of course ANYTHING is an improvement over bush!) I'm afraid that if he is elected and does a poor job, not only will it mean a Republican being elected in the next cycle, it will set back the African Americans venture into the world of "high politics" - because some people will lump all AA's together - and say, "see? they can't handle the job". (And yeah, people will.)
I am bitterly disappointed in the DNC and it's handling of the entire primary cycle.
I don't think they have the right to tell voters what and when they can vote! (And no, this is not because the delegates "for" Hillary at this point. I would feel the exact same way if they were all Barack delegates.)
Will I vote for BO if he's nominated, yeah. Because anything is better than another Repub. I'll just do so with a bit of fear and trepidation - I'm not sure he can beat McCain and I'm not sure he's ready for the job if he is elected.