A Clarkie has written and posted this really nice tribute to Hillary on Wes Clark's CCN blog. Here's a part of it:
Ultimately, Hillary will emerge from this election as the prophetic candidate, not Obama.
No matter what happens, no matter who wins, she has forever blazed a trail for women, for girls and for leaders everywhere.
She has stayed focused on her agenda, despite attempts to throw her off.
She has run her campaign her way and she has stayed in on her terms.
She has stood up to, and, more importantly, ignored the juggernaut of hatred, fear, suspicion, rage, name-calling and mean-minded vilification that would bring your average person to their knees.
She has exhibited the ultimate of grace under pressure, always focusing on the people she is trying to serve.
She has remained genuine, interested in peoples' lives, their stories, heartbreaks and needs, committed to using her outstanding gifts to make their lives better.
She has come back from certain destruction, again and again and again, always moving forward, regrouping and WINNING. The very day that rigged press stories were breaking and her opponent is "clinching," was Hillary holed up at home or crying in a hotel room somewhere?
She was not. She was winning. Again.
We have no model for who she is, for what she is. She knew - she had to have known - how hard it would be, how hated she would be. She had to have realized somewhere in there, just how stacked the deck was - and she went ahead and did it anyway.
That's the actions of a true prophet. And no one can take that away.