Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject With Hillary winning big states, Obama begins to backtrack on Superdelegate question
Topic URL, With Hillary winning big states, Obama begins to backtrack on Superdelegate question
Posted by KennedyGuy on Sun Feb-10-08 01:52 PM With all the talk about superdelegates, I must admit I am more than somewhat confused on what Barack Obama's position is. First Read reported:
Obama would not commit to a position he had put forward previously that superdelegates should vote the way their states did -- should the Democratic nomination come down to their votes.
"I think those superdelegates and elected officials and party insiders would have to think long and hard about how they approach the nomination if the people they represent have said that Obama is our guy," Obama said the morning after the February 5th primaries.
(Emphasis supplied.) It is obvious why Obama will not stick to that position - having lost California, New York, New Jersey, Florida* and Michigan* - he would be guaranteeing a huge loss for himself among superdelegates. Having won in states like Alaska, Idaho and the like, he will be giving away the game with that position.
Thus he now says:
Asked . . . if superdelegates should vote the way their states votes, Obama hedged. "We haven't' had a lengthy discussion with all of our superdelegates -- our super delegates they should vote for me," Obama said.
. . . The question for those not yet committed and the superdelegates that are still out there … trying to make up their minds -- my strong belief is that if we end up with the most states and the most pledged delegates from the most voters in the county that it would be problematic for the political insiders to overturn the judgment of the voters. . . .
Well, there are a lot of contradictions in that position. Why make that cutoff now, as opposed to all superdelegates? Why not respect the wishes of the voters from the states these superdelegates represent? Why most pledged delegates as opposed to most votes across the country?
This is a mess and it is not clear that Barack Obama can in fact articulate a comprehensible position on the issue that will favor his campaign.
The moral of the story? Go fight to convince superdelegates to support you. I am not sure spin is available here.