I have never been a supporter of Senator Clinton, and was an Edwards supporter. In all honesty I am still not enthusiastic about the Senator's campaign. However, I respect you and your support for her candidacy.
I am posting here because I have been watching women, the GLBT community, and the political veterans from the 60's take a tremendous amount of abuse from the Obama campaign and his supporters, and I want to let you know that I think it is horrific and disgusting, and to express my solidarity with all of you. I may never be enthusiastic about Senator Clinton's campaign, but that does not mean that I will not stand with and defend her supporters, and defend all of us upon whom open season apparently has been declared.
I expect attacks on women and GLBT people and 60's political activists from the right wingers, but what we are seeing from Obama supporters is as bad or worse than anything we see from the right wingers. I am sickened by it. I am so sorry to see so many of you take so much abuse. We are being wounded in the house of our friends - there is nothing worse than that.