I did not catch it------but so glad to see cnn do this.
The obama folk are out there whining about all the good coverage she is getting --esp with the SNL skit. te he. I had to chuckle--they are soooooo. predictable.
Forum Name General Discussion
Topic subject CNN...showed a long clip of Hillary on Health Care and Outsourcing of Jobs...
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http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x2951168#29511682951168, CNN...showed a long clip of Hillary on Health Care and Outsourcing of Jobs...
Posted by KoKo01 on Sun Mar-02-08 05:04 PM
She was speaking in Ohio...about how we were the leader in so many innovative products that we allowed to outsourced to other countries. (Yeah...I know...NAFTA) but she went on that we needed to have protections that would allow us to keep our innovations here at home and to create the NEW Environmental Solutions that we could sell to the rest of the world through our innovation. She said that NAFTA must be revised for protection of workers and environment and that we could once again be the world leader in the development of products that will make us a world leader in innovation and export again.
On her Health Care for All proposal she used the example of a young woman who was Pregnant who had problems early on and who went to the hospital and was turned away...because she didn't have insurance. (she mentioned that hospitals can't afford to treat everyone...which is a Repug point) and so the young woman went home where later on she developed problems and came back into the hospital where the baby was born and died and the mother had to be airlifted to another hospital to save her life...and she then died. Hillary said that if the young woman had been seen early on in her pregnancy she and her baby both could have lived and thousands of dollars could have been saved along with saving those lives. (Hillary drew me in with this tragic story...which as she said, is repeated all over America...but I did feel she emphasised more the cost of what was done to save the mother and baby..rather than hitting home the heartlessness of a policy where a hospital turns away a young woman who is having problems in early pregnancy...and I think this is why folks can feel she is cold and calculating.)
Anyway...I feel when I listen to her speeches at rallies that she tries to move to the left and to understand the mistakes she and Bill made...but her delivery never can get to the level of "feeling your pain" that Bill managed to do.
I want to hope that Bill and Hillary have seen their mistakes in cozying up to Wall St. and the RW Repugs for eight years and allowing all those Whitewater/Starr investigations to occur when, like Chimpy, they could have SHUT THEM ALL DOWN and not gone through that PERSONAL PAIN," and I wonder all the time why they were always so far behind in seeing the Media Cabal and RW Politics that dogged them from Inauguration Day. :shrug:
But, when she gives speeches she does lay out plans to "fix" what they did wrong. She doesn't touch the Media Deregulation that Bill did...or talk about Bush Crime Family and how she will make sure they "bring back the Bill of Rights" to Americans...but neither does OBAMA. Both tiptoe around about fixing things...but it's the same old "chicken in every pot...health care for all...American Innovation" and since I've heard all that before...both candidates leave me cold....
Anyway...Hillary does seem to go farther than Obama with Policy issues and prescriptions to fix them...but it might be as hollow as Obama's campaign of "HOPE" for "Change" which I also heard from Clinton, Carter and JFK. Our Dems always do that "HOPE FOR CHANGE" thingy.