Shove this in the faces of all who DEMAND she drop out!!
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject By a Large Margin, Dems Want Clinton to Remain in Race Even if She Loses Texas or Ohio
Topic URL, By a Large Margin, Dems Want Clinton to Remain in Race Even if She Loses Texas or Ohio
Posted by zlt234 on Tue Mar-04-08 12:31 AM
Democrats by more than a 2-1 margin say Hillary Clinton should stay in the presidential race even if she loses either the Texas or Ohio primary on Tuesday. But if she fails in both, fewer than half say they'd want her to fight on.
If you look at the pdf, it shows that nearly half of Obama's supporters (46 percent) want Clinton to stay in if she only wins one state. Guess this is a reminder that DU does not accurately represent the general populace :)
Edit: added link: