a snippet, but there's much, much more...
Barack Obama Needs to Drop Out
Hillary_2Hillary Clinton has decidedly changed the narrative of this primary season. The hard work of bloggers and others put the balls of the mainstream media in a vice grip, forcing them to address the NAFTA-gate and Rezko-gate issues, and finally people are asking just who Barack Hussein Obama really is. He's been in the United States senate a mere three years, having spent over a year of that on the campaign trail and falling miserably behind in his duties to one of the most important subcommittees in the congress, and yet, he for some reason thinks he is prepared to be the leader of the free world. Having shown questionable integrity in light of his dealings with long-time friend Antonin "Tony" Rezko, whose corruption trial started in Illinois on Monday. And, may I just pause for a second to say that Jamal Simmons, the fairly new "pundit" on CNN is really adorable, but he sounded like an absolute bitch sitting at that desk last night whining about how horrible it is for Hillary to question whether Barack Hussein Obama is ready to be president. I mean, it's a fucking contest and everybody's trying to win and he is NOT the best person for this all-important job. Get over it. I can't stand a punk ass man. This whole notion that she should just let him win and not bother him is absolutely absurd.
Now, to the title of this post. Obama is done. As Taylor Marsh mentioned a day or so ago, he just can't "close the deal" and as I'VE been lamenting for weeks now, democrats in the states that actually matter in a general election have said no to Obama and yes to Hillary Clinton. I mean, what in the hell are the odds of democrats winning Idaho? lmao I mean, it's one thing to support a candidate with all fervor and vigor, but it's quite another to ignore the obvious as it sits right on your nose. I'll be honest, I'm very glad that Hillary won Texas tonight, but that state too is one that democrats don't usually win. But, OHIO. Ah, Ohio. That golden nugget in the midwest. That is a state democrats can win and again Obama didn't close the deal. DESPITE OUTSPENDING HILLARY AS MUCH AS 3 TO 1!!! Take a look at the electoral votes in the states that both Obama and Hillary have won, taking into consideration that many of the states he's won will NEVER go to a democrat in a general election. She's leading that race hands down and that's what matters. Who can win the states that will put a democrat in the White House? The superdelegates need to heed this message. Last I checked, this was the Democratic Party, not the Republican Party, so screw the fact that he's won those "red states". They are called "red states" for a reason. I know that the truth hurts Obama supporters, but it is the truth.
Read the rest. It's a keeper!