Edited on Wed Mar-05-08 03:20 PM by robbedvoter
"Tales from Obama's bedroom" - what MO dishes out on BO: (in case "BO" mystified you) Edited to add link "We get up and they want ten more minutes so they can come in my bed and if Dad isn’t there _ because he is too snore-y and stinky, they don’t want ever to get in the bed with him _ but we cuddle up and we talk." Mind you, it's her interview. When you go to comments, most are OK - but then there's the bushie that sounds like many in GD-P who manages to blame the Clenis for this confession:
" Remember what the Clintons did to Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, etc with the planted rumors and characterizations? Hillary is too smart and too practical to believe that the American voters are ready to elect a ticket with both a woman and an African-American. So, she has to break him down before the primaries and the convention to enable herself to omit him from consideration as a running mate. Of course this is done by the NYT at, at least, the suggestion of a Clinton agent. After reading the earlier emails, I’ve never been more proud of being a Republican and voting twice for Dubya. Keith