Todd Spivak and published by the Dallas Observer on 2/28/08 ... that Obama goes for "the next step up ... every three years" ... so it is not difficult to concluded that he will latch on to his bid for the presidency in the same way that Bush latched on to his invasion/occupation of Iraq. And that as Obama guides his step by what he terms pragmatics over principles ... Hillary Clinton had better be on the lookout for lots of Obama's dirty politicking.
Spivak cites the words of several of Obama's former colleagues in the Illinois Legislature feel stepped on, or used by Obama.
In the Spivak piece, it is also evident that Obama can be quite a prima-donna (just like GWB) when he doesn't like what is being said about him.
And... do you remember the flack Obama and his camp let stir (or lead the stir) about Clinton's remarks that "while, indeed, King had courageously inspired and led the Civil Rights movement, President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act into law" ... adding that "Dr. King's dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights act ... " a statement that was factually and historically true ... but, how, Obama, so as to stoke the fire and not let the frackas die down, when asked about Clinton's statements, said, "Senator Clinton made an unfortunate remark, an ill-advised remark, about King and Lyndon Johnson. I didn't make the statement" ... and with that he (in a hypocritical white-without-sin robe--just like Poppy Bush's immaculate undercover CIA hands) let the turbulent waters take hold and drag the Clintons through the mud? Do you remember that?
(And ... God forgive Hillary for saying recently that she takes Obama at his word that he is Muslim .. I mean she has to affirm for him something that ought to be affirmed by him?) And, I gues the point I am trying to make here is that Obama appears to like stirring the pot,making the water rise, and letting people drown in a stewing pot of his Obama's making--truth be damned, for after all, pragmatics trumps principle.
Anyhow, Obama knew what he was doing. He knew it quite well.... and now, it just so happens that he, Mr. Barack Obama, when responding to the Spivak article on Obama, said that "the black legislators
Obama defended himself by saying none other than these high prima-donna words: {those black legislators cited in the Spivak piece] "couldn't have gotten the bills passed without ." Thus knowingly, and purposefully committing the sin the very sin of which he had said of Hillary, "Senator Clinton made an unfortunate remark" ... It appears that in Obama's world what is good for the goose is not good for the gander.
link to the OBAMA AND ME Spivak article :