A few great links in this article!!! The blush is coming off the rose... :)
http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/index.htmlFRIDAY, MARCH 7, 2008 19:58 EST
"Views of the race from across the Atlantic
American voters are not the only ones taking a closer look at the field of contenders for the presidency. In the wake of Hillary Clinton's primary wins Tuesday night, the European press is alight with fresh speculation. Here's a brief look at what's being said about the Democratic candidates in some of Europe.
The torrid affair between Barack Obama and the Germans seems to have ended before it could develop into David Hasselhoff-esque proportions. Only a couple weeks ago, the cover of Der Spiegel, Germany's best-read weekly news magazine, showed a princely Obama emerging out of darkness cloaked in what looked like stardust under a headline reading "The Messiah Factor: Barack Obama and the Yearning for a New America." Now, in an article called "The Other Side of Barack Obama," the paper is taking a second look. "Will the extraordinary love affair between the young Senator from Chicago and the Democratic voters last?" asks the article, "Or was the spell broken on Tuesday night? Will the voters turn back to her? Or will his charm offensive once again display its power?"
Meanwhile an article for major German newspaper Deutsche Welle emphasizes that though Germans have taken a liking to Obama, Clinton remains quite popular as well. Even Christoph von Marschall, the German journalist who fanned flames of Teutonic Obama-mania with his recent biography "Der Schwarze Kennedy" (The Black Kennedy), had to admit that Clinton is also quite well-liked. "'Clinton' is a good name in Germany and Europe," he tells Deutsche Welle. "It's not linked to all the scandals like it is in the U.S."
Thursday the Left-leaning French daily Liberation ran a story about the perceived unequal media treatment of Clinton and Obama. The article mentions various unattractive descriptions of Clinton in the American press as well as the frequent use of words like "vision," "charisma" and "messiah" in articles about Obama. That American journalists are biased, says the writer, "is subtle, but proven."...