The rules of the convention allow the party's nominee to petition for reinstatement of the delegates, but whether the eventual nominee would want to wage a fight on behalf of Michigan and Florida against states that played by the rules, such as California and New York, is unclear.
California and New York played by the rules, as did most or many of the big states that chose Hillary.
With that simple fact in mind, got to wonder how much of a "fight" it would actually be.
No state ever manages to upstage California or New York in any primary or election. Wouldn't it be a matter of "we all agree on who's best, let's talk about this rule thing some other time," like, for instance, when it doesn't put the future of the country and world at stake.
Basically, I'm saying, how bent out of shape are those other states who played by the rules. It just seems to be Dean and his friends and a FU to their power.