Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject The PRESS v. Hillary Clinton Part III Leaping Lesbians
Topic URL, The PRESS v. Hillary Clinton Part III Leaping Lesbians
Posted by McCamy Taylor on Sat Mar-08-08 07:22 PM
Here is some music to set the mood: Just in case Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee after all, the right wing has been hard at work with a few smears designed to make her look scary in a general election. These are a little bit different from the previous Big Lies, since the values of general election voters differ from those of Democratic primary voters. After Denver, if Hillary is the One, we will be hearing less of Hillary’s War and Hillary is a racist bitch and more about family values----as in Hillary has no family values because she sprang to life, fully formed, on a woman’s collective somewhere in the radical left Northeast, clutching a copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves in one hand and SCUM: Manifesto in the other. (SCUM stands for Society for Cutting Up Men)
I. Hillary is a Lesbian Bitch
The Democrats would not care if she was, but for Independents and Republicans an alternative lifestyle might spell doom in the general election. So, the right wing has hauled out its all purpose Hillary is a Lesbian Big Lie. /
THE SEX SCANDAL THE MEDIA WON'T TOUCH INVOLVES SENATOR HILLARY CLINTON'S alleged lesbianism. It is worth noting that our media, including Fox News, gave little attention to the explosive book, The Truth About Hillary, byEdward Klein, which raised questions about her "sexual preference." Conservative writer Jack Wheeler flatly asserted in a Washington Times column, based on his sources, that she is bisexual On the June 12 broadcast of San Francisco radio station KSFO's The Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Program, regular guest commentator and American Thinker contributor Peter Mulhern claimed Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) has "never been all that welcome in Democratic Party ranks" and, responding to a comment by Rodgers that "Hillary's starting to wear a little bit thin," said, "Well, maybe not for her fans but, you know, how many Yale-educated lesbians are there?"
To the right wing “radical feminist” is a buzzword for lesbian. Keep that in mind. On the June 18 edition of CNN's The Situation Room, host Wolf Blitzer concluded a segment on criticism of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) by some feminists, such as Susan Douglas and Nora Ephron, by injecting a quote in which Republican strategist Bay Buchanan called Clinton a "radical feminist.".
Clinton a “radical feminist”? Someone needs to tell the Democratic Party? They keep calling her the “same as Bush” or “Bush-lite.”
Peggy Noonan of the WSJ just loves to call Hillary unwomanly. Read Noonan’s article for yourself. It has great media bites included in the title and first two paragraphs. ( Note: the best propaganda is often in the title and the first and last paragraphs which may be the only things some people read. John Solomon knows this well.)
Where do things stand now with Hillary Clinton? What is her trajectory almost a year since it became clear she was running for the presidency?
Some time back I said she doesn't have to prove she is a man, she has to prove she is a woman. Her problem is not her sex, as she and her campaign pretend. That she is a woman is a boon to her, a source of latent power. But to make it work, she has to seem like a woman.
Noonan also repeats lies about dirty tricks that the MSM has accused Hillary of (without proof) as if they are gospel truth, and she conjures up the image of Eleanor Roosevelt and Tokyo Rose when trying to paint a picture of Hillary that is anathema to conservative women. I will let you in on a secret. If given a choice between Hillary and McCain, a bunch of GOP women will go for Hillary. This thought scares the GOP to death and it is why they have people like Noonan writing crap like this.
The right wing has not confined themselves to name calling. They started a rumor that Hillary was having an affair with a female aid. A Muslim aid. I will not list the many Google hits you can find about the story on right wing sites. Anyone interested can do that themselves. More worrisome is the way that the story penetrated the MSM and may have even been exploited by fellow Democrats.
Here is a link to a blogger from South Carolina. /
FITSNews - November 6, 2007 - Ever since we posted our original story about Huma Abedin, the stylishly smokin’ personal aide to Hillary Clinton, the FITSNews’ mailbox has literally been bombarded with e-mails suggesting that there’s a sexual relationship between the two women.
We’ve even heard from sources at rival Democratic presidential campaigns who claim that they “know it to be true” that Hill and Huma are romantically-involved, of course if we had a nickel for everytime somebody told us they knew something was true that turned out to be completely false, we’d have Sic Willie-type money.
Once this blog grabbed the story, Harper’s decided that it was fair game. It’s not just Republicans who play rough in South Carolina. Rumors have been circulating in the Palmetto State, and elsewhere, that Hillary Clinton is having a lesbian affair. Her alleged paramour: a beautiful aide named Huma Abedin (Oscar de la Renta says he longs to see Huma in a strapless dress before he dies). As you can see from the photo, if Hillary is having an affair with Abedin it would not be evidence of her lesbianism as much as of her common sense and sound judgment.
The hard-to-credit rumor of Hillary’s Sapphic excursions is being stoked by right-wing bloggers. They suggest that this supposed romance shows the candidate is not only a lesbian but consorting with terrorists, given that the Michigan-born Abedin is reportedly from a family brimming with known Muslims.
OMG! Hillary is a Traitorous Lesbian Bitch! That's almost as bad as being a commie.
This is how the wild and whacky world of Hillary bashing works. The right wing dreams them up and then the mainstream media runs with them from there.
For those of you who might be thinking Hey, maybe she can let her hair down, unfasten a few buttons and convince the world that she is a Real Woman don’t even go there. This is what happened when members of the press caught a glimpse of a little bit of Hillary’s cleavage. Clinton is scrutinized by the press in yet another way that her male counterparts are not. The press is especially critical of Clinton's appearance. The most notable recent example is the Clinton cleavage debacle of this past summer.
The whole thing started when The Washington Post published an article by fashion writer Robin Givhan on July 20. Givhan's article critiqued an outfit that Clinton had worn while speaking on the Senate floor on July 18. Givhan claimed that showing cleavage "means that a woman is content being perceived as a sexual person in addition to being seen as someone who is intelligent, authoritative, witty and whatever else might define her personality." However, Givhan seems unwilling to accept Clinton as a sexual person: "it was more like catching a man with his fly unzipped," she commented. "Just look away!"
The article goes on to describe how the MSM obsessed over that outfit. It makes for interesting reading. In essence, they made a mountain out of two mammary glands. Now,I ask you, would they spend a solid week writing a story about a Republican male candidate who took his shirt off or wore a pair of swim trunks? I think the moral here is clear. If Hillary dares to dress in a softer, more feminine way, then she moves straight from Lesbian to Hussy.
II. Hillary is a Witch (which rhymes with Bitch)
Almost everything in this series of journals comes from the last twelve months. However, I just wanted to show that Chris “Tweety” Matthews is an honest Hillary-Hater and not faking it for the 2008 election. As the above link demonstrates, Matthews has been calling Senator Clinton a “witch” and accusing her of practicing “witchcraft” for years. Why? Maybe it is because they are both Irish, and he is rebelling against the Irish-American Matriarchy. Naughty boy. His mother should have raised him better.
The first thing you have to do when you want to prove that Hillary is a witch is suggest that she is not a Christian. That is not easy. Everyone knows that she is a pretty damned devout Methodist. Cal Thomas mocks Hillary Clinton after the NYT reports on the importance of Christianity in her life. He stakes a claim for conservatives and says that liberal faith is not true faith and that Hillary is just trying “to capture a small slice of the religious vote that has mostly gone to conservative Republicans in the last several election cycles.”
And, of course, Hillary has endured attacks from the left for “triangulating” or being too right wing or arrogantly preparing for the general election ---but that is a story for The Press v. Hillary Clinton Pt IV.
So, what is Hillary if she isn’t really a Christian? You can find plenty of sites that claim that she is a member of this pagan cult or that. You can also find plenty of people who like to call her a “witch” like Matthews. Everyone has heard someone attribute supernatural powers to her at least once. After yet another stunning comeback - the first was in New Hampshire, an eternity of two months ago - it is tempting to ascribe almost diabolically supernatural powers to Hillary and Bill Clinton, who appear to rise from the grave every time the pundits begin to administer the funeral rites.
What do witches do? Besides casting hexes on people and winning elections despite having the combined weight of the MSM against them? They cackle.
III. Hillary’s Cackle ( best read to the sounds of I Love to Laugh from Mary Poppins)
On September 23, 2007 Hillary Clinton made the rounds of five Sunday talk shows, including Fox, where Chris Wallace complained that she laughed at some of his questions. Later the RNC issued a talking point brief that it distributed to the news media entitled:
Hillary: No Laughing Matter: On Sunday Morning Shows, When Not Laughing Off Important Questions, Hillary Hides From The Facts And Her Own Record The RNC brief is inaccurate. For instance, it includes the misleading statement that Hillary supported the surge, which I discuss in Part 2. of this series. More to the point, it suggests that the MSM divert attention from the issues and attack Hillary for her laugh.
Like the good little lap dogs that they are, when the RNC says jump, the guys and gals in the corporate media say Yes sir! How high sir?
What follows is not the MSM’s finest hour. I present this as proof that there is indeed a very active right wing conspiracy in this country and it includes the press. Please read the above story at Media Matters. It describes a solid week of corporate media coverage of Hillary Clinton’s “cackle.” By Monday, Drudge, Limbaugh and Fox has elaborate (mocking) stories up and running. On MSNBC, Scarborough, David Shuster hosting for Tucker with guest Crawford and Matthews on Hardball with Anne Kornblut of the WaPo all discussed the Hillary laugh. Tuesday, the Daily Show (parent co. Viacom) did a feature on it. Later, reporters would claim that they were taking their cues from John Stewart (????). I guess having a comedian tell you what news is fit to print is better than being a whore for the RNC. On Wednesday, Tucker and Hardball did the laugh again. On Thursday we got this,3566,298279,00.html Hillary preceded her passing moment of reality by a loud, inappropriate and mirthless laugh – a scary sound that was somewhere between a cackle and a screech.
From Dick Morris and Eileen McGann at Fox.
On Sept. 28, John Dickerson at the Slate wrote /
Call it a caterwaul, call it a bray, call it what you will, the sound the Democratic front-runner makes when she performs the actions of mirth are now a part of the political conversation.
By Sept 30, several major newspapers had articles, including three in the NYTs alone (!!!) . This story was fast becoming the twelve days of Christmas, with more and more coverage the farther away from the original Sunday they got. And Hillary’s laugh kept getting worse. Fox brought in a “body language expert” who said it was an “evil laugh”. Some one else called it “maniacal”. It was also called the equivalent of the “Dean Scream”.
Please, read the whole Media Matters article for yourself.
Ok, so there you have it. Hillary the Lesbian Bitch-Witch with her Supernatural Mind Control Cackle. Dreamed up by right wingers to scare the pants off Independent and Conservative voters. Because just sticking the word liberal on your opponent is not going to be good enough this year, with the economy in the toilet and all our money invested in Iraq.
But for the moment the game is still about Divide and Conquer, keeping the two remaining Democratic nominees at each other’s throats and their delegate counts as close as possible so that the convention in Denver will leave the party fractured. For a few more months, we will continue to see right wing media types write garbage like this Bob Novak
“Agents of Sen. Hillary Clinton are spreading the word in Democratic circles that she has scandalous information about her principal opponent for the party's presidential nomination, Sen. Barack Obama, but has decided not to use it. The nature of the alleged scandal was not disclosed.
”This word-of-mouth among Democrats makes Obama look vulnerable and Clinton look prudent. It comes during a dip for the front-running Clinton after she refused to take a stand on New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer's now discarded plan to give driver's licenses to illegal aliens.”
Oh my! Hillary has "agents". Are they "reds"? Or are these the "vicious" women that The Note claims surround her? George Will
WASHINGTON -- In a political season that has become a '70s Show, a Richard Nixon revival infects both parties' primaries. Even Spiro Agnew -- Nixon's Nixon -- is being reprised.
Hillary Clinton attacks Barack Obama by recycling a slogan Nixon used in 1960 against John Kennedy: "Experience Counts." But is it prudent of her to invite remembrances of things past?
Huh? I think of a lot of things when I think of Nixon, but not Experience Counts. I know one sure fire way to tell what America is thinking. Google! Nope. A search of the first ten pages of a google of “experience counts” does not reveal even one mention of Richard Nixon. You know, I think that the phrase “experience counts” is about as Nixonian as the phrase “My fellow Americans”.
George and Bob, I know who is being Nixonian, and it sure as hell ain’t Hillary. It is the right wingers who have been setting up websites and circulating smears and then attributing them (without evidence) to Hillary the Bitch, a tactic straight out of Pat Buchanan’s 1972 dirty tricks play book, which lists make smears about one Democrat and attribute them to another Democrat as the number one CREEPy trick.
These right wing media shills must think we were born yesterday.
Thanks as always to Media Matters, the site that puts the fear of accountability into the press.