***So yesterday Obama accused the Clinton camp of circulating the African garb photo**AGAIN
This happened on the stump yesterday. I see 3 threads in gd-p. about this!
2 are below along with a few other posts.
The latest talking point by BO supporters is:
There is a difference between attacking the campaign and attacking HRC in this instance.
He can legitimately say He take Hillary at her word that she knew nothing about it but knocking her campaign for leaking it.
But we all know it has the SAME effect and BO knows it!!
BO would not have brought it up if he thought it had no negative effects on Clinton.
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject ABC: Obama flip flops on Drudge photo
Topic URL
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5017324#50173245017324, ABC: Obama flip flops on Drudge photo
Posted by ruggerson on Tue Mar-11-08 07:45 AM
http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/03/obama-flips-on.html Obama Flips on Whether Clinton Leaked that Photo
March 11, 2008
Obama: "I take Senator Clinton at her word that she knew nothing about the photo. So I think that's something that we can set aside."
- Cleveland debate, February 26, 2008
Obama: "When in the midst of a campaign you decide to throw the kitchen sink at your opponent because you're behind, and you start, your campaign starts leaking photos of me when I'm traveling overseas wearing native clothes of those folks, to make people afraid, then you run an ad talking about who's going to answer the phone at three in the morning, an ad straight out of the Republican playbook, that's not real change. That's not real change. That's the same old thing."
Jackson, Mississippi, March 10, 2008
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject So yesterday Obama accused the Clinton camp of circulating the African garb photo
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http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5017054#50170545017054, So yesterday Obama accused the Clinton camp of circulating the African garb photo
Posted by journalist3072 on Tue Mar-11-08 06:38 AM
A short while ago, the Today show ran a clip of Obama on the stump yesterday, during which he accused Sen. Clinton's campaign of circulating a photo of him in African garb.
Unless he has proof that it was Sen. Clinton's campaign, he needs to STFU.
Obama loves to talk out of his a&s, and it's clear that's what he was doing yesterday.
Sen. Clinton's campaign has denied any role in circulating the photo.
And unless Obama has evidence to the contrary, he needs to shut up.
..Clinton denied any knowledge of the photo coming from one of her staff.
"So far as I know, it did not," she said. "That's not the kind of behavior that I condone or expect from the people working in my campaign."
Obama, a senator from Illinois, said he believes her.
"I take Sen. Clinton at her word that she knows nothing about the photo," he said.
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject Obama has now reversed himself TWICE
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http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5017054#50178795017879, Obama has now reversed himself TWICE
Posted by Nine on Tue Mar-11-08 09:01 AM
On the day Drudge published the photo and claimed, without evidence, that the photo had been sent from one Clinton staffer to another (not that the Clinton campaign had leaked it to Drudge), the Obama campaign twice accused the Clinton campaign of leaking the photo. The first accusation came from Obama's campaign manager, the second from Obama himself. And I don't want to hear how the Clinton campaign did not deny leaking the photo "quickly" enough. The accusation from Obama's campaign manager came less than two hours after the photo was out. They didn't wait for a denial. They didn't ask the Clinton campaign if it came from them - just took the non-evidenced Drudge claim, embellished it, and ran with it. The Clinton campaign did deny it. If they took a few hours to issue a denial, perhaps it's because they were doing some fact-finding to make sure what they were saying was the truth - something the Obama camp might want to consider in the future.
The next day at the Cleveland debate, Obama reversed himself and said he believed the Clinton campaign did NOT send Drudge the photo. Guess he didn't have the guts to accuse Clinton to her face. Or maybe he just wanted to look above it all after he'd already smeared her, his usual MO.
And now he's apparently reversed himself again. What a creep.
,,,, (ONE of many posters saying no denial from Clinton)
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic URL
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5017054#50173755017375, "CLINTON VAGUE ABOUT CONTROVERSIAL OBAMA PHOTO"
Posted by berni_mccoy on Tue Mar-11-08 07:52 AM
http://wcbstv.com/campaign08/barack.obama.hillary.2.662447.html Clinton Camp HAS NEVER DENIED it, even when ASKED DIRECTLY.
Clinton, who has worn native dress herself, like during a trip to Jordan in 1999, responded through a campaign manager Maggie Williams.
"If Barack Obama's campaign wants to suggest that a photo of him wearing Somali dress is divisive, they should be ashamed," Williams said.