One of the posts said it was now on Drudge (no I will not link).
I have not had the tube on—so I do not know what exactly is going on.
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject Ferraro needs to apologize and resign. PERIOD.
Topic URL, Ferraro needs to apologize and resign. PERIOD.
Posted by mythyc on Tue Mar-11-08 11:41 AM
If you're a Hillary supporter and said, even demanded that (1) what Samantha Power said was wrong, (2) Obama needed to condemn her comments and (3) Power needed to resign, but don't apply the same standard to Geraldine Ferraro than YOU ARE A HYPOCRITE. spin it any way you choose, that's how it is.
and if Hillary doesn't condemn Ferraro's comments and demand her resignation the same way she did Power's she is a hypocrite. PERIOD.
Both were representatives of their campaigns. Both were discussing the campaigns, not side issues. Both made comments that were not simply wrong, but were offensive personally and stupid politically. I loved Power, but held from moment one have held that that kind of statement has no place in the political domain. Same goes for Ferraro---more so actually in my opinion not just because she has a lifetime of experience in politics and has been in a presidential race, but because she made her comments in a public interview whose topic was the campaign.
And this is not about partisanship, for me at least. I thought from the beginning that Power needed to go for the good not just of Obama's campaign but of principle and uprightness in the political and public arena. Same goes for Ferraro, and if Obama doesn't uphold this principle and standard, I will be just as disappointed in him as well. His inability or reluctance to take a stand against attacks like these is one of my chief concerns about him (no, I haven't taken the kool-aid, I can actually not blindly agree with everything my candidate has to say or do. can you?
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject please refer to the sister thread to this one
Topic URL, please refer to the sister thread to this one
Posted by mythyc on Tue Mar-11-08 02:30 PM also, just because "they all say it", doesn't make it true ----------- or right
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject Do you really mean that?
Topic URL, Do you really mean that?
Posted by Quixote1818 on Tue Mar-11-08 01:02 PM
Wow, what a disgusting thing to say. Even the Hillary camp is distancing themselves from that comment: