Sending this out today. ---------------------------------------------------
March 12, 2008
Phil Griffin –or- current manager
Dear Sir,
This is a letter about Keith Olbermann.
And I am writing this BEFORE his special comment this evening, which I will not be watching.
I once was a huge fan of Mr. Olbermann's. I haven't missed a show since after the 2004 election. My dvr was set up to record him, so even if I wasn't home, I could still watch Countdown.
About one month ago, I turned him off for good.
Instead of watching a passionate man that was speaking truth to power about the war, our government and the Republican party, I began seeing a man that was determined to destroy the Democratic Party. I watched night after night as he continued to question Hillary Clinton with anger in his voice. I watched him repeat rumors, such as that is was the Clinton campaign that met with the Canadians about Nafta, not the Obama campaign…after Obama admitted that one of his advisors did in fact have a meeting AND the Canadian Gov't investigated and published that no one from the Clinton campaign met with them. It was at this point when I came to the conclusion that Keith Olbermann is the left's very own Rush Limbaugh….. anger in his voice, using talking points instead of news, and being very one sided to the point where he is out of control.
What is amazing to me is how divided the Democratic party has become. Just look at this primary season. There are a lot of concerns that the Democrats are not going to be able to reconcile their differences after we have finally chosen a nominee. And the vitriol coming from Olbermann is putting more fuel on the fire. This Presidential election is the Democrats to lose, and I am afraid that we will.
I am not a huge Hillary supporter, I just think she is more qualified than Obama. And NO, contrary to what people like Olbermann may think, I am not a racist either. There are a lot of Democrats out there that are not comfortable with Obama's arrogance; his yes vote on the Cheney energy bill; nuclear power and his flip-flopping on the Iraq War.
And, like Hillary, I don't think Obama has a chance against McCain.
As an activist, I can tell you that many, many people I speak with have turned off Countdown as well. It will be interesting to hear his new ratings.
But I also have to thank you.
Since I no longer watch msnbc, I found out how much more I am learning by watching the Lehrer News Hour, and how much I enjoy the thought provoking discussions Anderson Cooper has on CNN.
The 'right' has Fox, and the 'left' has msnbc. For the rest of us that hunger for real news and fair and balanced reporting, we have CNN and PBS.
Good Night, and Good Luck to Msnbc