To add more fuel to the fire there is the fact Obama, in his first book, admitting to being angry when young against his mother's race. You think the rethugs will offer context for that in their ads if Obama is our nominee? :eyes:
If Obama truly believes what he preaches about "unity" and "post-racial" politics why didn't he leave the church long ago? Even now he has not condemned Wright for his racism. He should reject and denounce him, who he considers to not be controversial, which suggests a lot about what he thinks about Wright's views. Can you imagine a candidate saying Farrakhan or Duke isn't controversial? Wright is the main man of water cooler talk today. It may just be my opinion, but I think that Barack Obama definitely does have a Jeremiah Wright problem.
I work in a large corporate environment. You will find blacks, whites, Democrats and Republicans, and you will find they all have one thing in common. They all think that in a world that is so focused on race issues, an individual as radical as this man does not shine a positive light on Barack Obama's quest to be the next President of the United States.
The Clinton camp and the McCain camp as well will use every sound bite they can get their hands on so that everyone can see and hear the teachings that Jeremiah Wright delivers to his congregation. Just hearing these words spew from the mouth of this man will make people wonder. And that is all it takes to change a vote; just being unsure about someone. Common consensus is that this country needs a President that is for ALL of the people. Not SOME of the people. We need to move forward as a country. Not backwards.
Barack Obama has been running a very strong race against Hillary Clinton. In voicing his bigoted opinion, Jeremiah Wright will cause many of Obama's supporters, red and yellow, black and white, to rethink their votes.
A common question now is whether or not Barack Obama feels or thinks about white people the way that his pastor does. How could one not believe that he believes the words of his pastor - his teacher?
My father was a minister as well. I know from experience, that if a person does not like what the preacher has to say, they promptly find another church to go to. Water cooler comment today was that in light of this latest from Wright, people wonder as well about some of the remarks that Obama's wife has made.
Jeremiah Wright is without a doubt, an incredibly bigoted racist. Mr. Wright paints an evil picture of hatred against the white race. How does Jeremiah Wright, spewing so much hatred, NOT hurt Barack Obama? Several of my co-workers, white voters and black voters as well, have paused to rethink their opinions of who should be our country's next president
I don't think this is over for Barack Obama. If he truly feels that he can be the leader of all men and women in our country, and respect all people regardless of race, he should publicly denounce the things that Jeremiah Wright is saying about white people. I feel that for him not to step forward and clarify his position on the whole issue of race once and for all, can, and will, hurt his campaign.