What is scary to me is their constant racist talk. I don't think it's good for the country to be stirring up an unnecessary race war because the Obamas have an agenda specifically aimed at black people. Shouldn't we be concerned they are advocating for special interests groups, their own, as their priority for America rather than looking into the critical issues pressing our country into an economic depression affecting ALL the people?
Here are a few article that seem to mesh with their agenda as being the primary purpose of Obama's candidacy:
How dangerous Obama's ambitions will be for the rest of us:Donna Brazile is saying: the African American community will outraged if Hillary wins the nomination and Michelle's speeches seem to indicate this is all too true.
You may not be understanding the implication of that statement and what she means. She is saying that African American community will outraged if Hillary wins the nomination due to Super Delegates.
This is about the Congressional Black Caucus. Back on September 29, 2007, It was a CBC sponsored round table on CSPAN in which Donna Brazile, Arthur Davis and about three others were in a panel discussion. We didn’t get to see the whole thing but saw and heard enough. Unfortunately there is neither a video (even though it was obviously on tape) or transcript from the event.
It was the same weekend event to which Hillary was an invited speaker but which caused an uproar because Obama supporters in the CBC objected.
http://www.thehill.com/leading-the-news/cbcs-event-for-clinton-prompts-grumbles-2007-09-20.htmlDavis’s speech at the weekend event was pretty much the same one he had delivered at other annual events about the “glass ceiling” (see the problem coming here?)
Artur Davis RW Power Broker
http://www.openleft.com/showDiary.do?diaryId=886The particular round table was about the future of African Americans in politics.
Not to stretch the details in the discussion beyond memory, the gist was this — everybody just couldn’t wait, including Donna and Artur, for Barack Obama to be president so that FINALLY AAs would be able to enact all the plans they've been waiting so long for
“the one” to lead.
It was a chilling undercurrent coming from Brazile and if you can't see the implication coming from Brazile on an Obama presidency, then take a step back and think a minute..
CBC’s BrainTrust’s Mission: Strangely enough, it's not about a better Life for AAs..
http://www.slepton.com/slepton/viewcontent.pl?id=891In summary, what I gleaned from the CBC's agenda is this: It's not about helping the poor of all races climb out of Poverty, or helping the sick and underprivileged of all races get affordable Health Care and Education. It's about getting in on the Global Trade gravy train using the presidency for enough clout to control and assign contacts and trade deals to AA owned companies and more...
When you factor what you already know from Michelle's prior speeches, adding the CBC's agenda to the equation, it becomes clear what she is talking about. The actual result of an Obama presidency is a picture excluding a huge segment of America and possibly igniting racial violence throughout the country. Once started, it will be impossible to stop it.
I imagine the Republicans are already aware of this canard and will use it to easily crush him as the Dem Nominee in the GE and of course we then become the World's biggest losers again..