Statement from Hillary Clinton, March 17, 2008
“This is a moment of great unique uncertainty in our financial markets. The crisis that began in the subprime mortgage market has spilled over and now poses a broader threat. I am following the developments in our markets closely. This morning I spoke with Secretary Paulson and New York Federal Reserve President Tim Geithner. They both outlined the actions that were taken yesterday to ensure liquidity and restore confidence in the market. I relayed to them my thoughts and concerns. I will continue to monitor the situation closely throughout the day and will seek advice and counsel from a broad range of economic advisors.
“As a senator from New York , I am keenly focused on the impact of these market developments on the lives and livelihoods of thousands of New Yorkers and on the New York economy as a whole. I am also reminded everyday as I meet with families and listen to their stories that the effective function of our market isn’t just about Wall Street, it is about Main Street.
It’s about the families I meet that are struggling to fend off foreclosures and stay in their homes. It’s about construction workers who used to build houses and are now out of work. It’s about the college student who has good credit but is struggling to get a loan. What is happening on Wall Street may well affect the lives and fortunes of tens of millions of Americans who work hard everyday. They’ve done nothing wrong, but they will be impacted.
“In these times of stress and uncertainty, we need to be vigilant, to do everything in our power to maintain confidence in our financial system. I feel very strongly that in every way we’ve got to have more urgency to continue the action that was started yesterday. In my conversations earlier this morning, I raised my concern about the continuing numbers of foreclosures and my very strong belief that in the absence of addressing that aspect of this subprime mortgage credit crisis, we will not be able to make the progress that we have to make. I will follow this closely and as I said, I am particularly concerned about the many employees of Bear Stearns and their families and the ripple through the economy that this is going to cause.”