More than half of Democrats and nearly two-thirds of Republicans would be less likely to support Sen. Barack Obama for president after viewing video clips of his longtime friend and pastor espousing a radical "black power" worldview, a poll showed yesterday.
After viewing sermons in which the Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr. called the U.S. government racist and directed racially charged attacks at Sen Hillary Rodham Clinton, 52 percent of self-described Democrats said they would be less likely to support Mr. Obama, according to the survey by HCD Research.
The nationwide poll of 798 voters showed 71 percent of Republicans and 54 percent of independents also would be less likely to support Mr. Obama after viewing the clips.
Before viewing the video, a majority of voters — Democrats, Republicans and independents — said Mr. Obama's ties to Mr. Wright would hurt his campaign efforts. However, after viewing the video, more than two-thirds of voters from each political affiliation said the sermons would hurt Mr. Obama's presidential bid.