I alert---and alert---and alert
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject 'Bill Clinton is a rapist'
Topic URL
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5170333#51703335170333, 'Bill Clinton is a rapist'
Posted by lamprey on Thu Mar-20-08 09:01 AM
Flamebait or not
I have asked the Mods to delete my account.
If this is what goes to support a candidate
(and I favor Obama)
I want no part of it.
Yeah I know
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject Bill Clinton's Penis: It's Not Just for Freepers Anymore
Topic URL
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5165104#51651045165104, Bill Clinton's Penis: It's Not Just for Freepers Anymore
Posted by QC on Wed Mar-19-08 08:39 PM
Did any of you ever imagine that a trip to DU would be like stepping into the WABAC Machine with Sherman and Peabody and paying a visit to Free Republic, circa 1998?
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject I Am Fully Convinced...This Site Has Been Awashed With Freepers In Hillary Supporter Disguise.
Topic URL
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5170702#51707025170702, I Am Fully Convinced...This Site Has Been Awashed With Freepers In Hillary Supporter Disguise.
Posted by AllexxisF1 on Thu Mar-20-08 09:32 AM
I have been coming to this site for the better part of a year and a half and it occurred to me yesterday that I believe we have been infiltrated with some serious Freeper Scum.
Some of the things I have been seeing lately with Hillary Supporters literally posting links to Hannity and other Repug sources is absolutely insane. What Democratic Clinton supporter would ever...ever be caught dead finding anything from Hannity and company. Seriously even though we all bash each other apart I don't believe for a second that Clinton supporters would be taking the garbage that is the Gospel according to Rush.
I truly believe that the mods of this site should be really delving deep into some of these Hillary supporters and begin checking their post history and when they signed up. Because you can bet your ass that any Hillary supporter that signed up here early last year would not be doing half the crap you see here.
Could we seriously be seeing Freepers (who have been voting in droves for Hillary at the poles in order to beat her in a the general election) creating accounts here, slapping on a quick Hillary pic as a signature to give them a platform of forcing in fighting between us all?