MI voters know Hillary cares---and BO wants to throw them under a bus.
Forum Name General Discussion: Primaries
Topic subject The Great State of Michigan thinks Campaign Obama owes us some amends.
Topic URL
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=132x5173829#51738295173829, The Great State of Michigan thinks Campaign Obama owes us some amends.
Posted by Tyler Durden on Thu Mar-20-08 12:56 PM
Michigan will not get its chance to have a voice in the Primary Campaign. Democratic leaders from both campaigns are already expressing fears about how Michigan will vote in November. THIS is WHY:
http://www.reuters.com/article/politicsNews/idUSN1823854920080318?virtualBrandChannel=10150 (snip)
Opposition from lawmakers backing Illinois Sen. Barack Obama's campaign seemed certain to scuttle any proposal to hold a June 3 "do-over" Democratic primary in the Midwestern state.
"There are definitely not enough votes now to support the proposal," said Callie Collins, a spokeswoman for state Sen. Tupac Hunter, co-chairman of Obama's campaign in Michigan.
Note WHOSE campaign scuttled the deal. "...not enough votes..." meant they would not vote to have the primary over UNLESS it was wide open, allowing Republicans to vote in the Democratic Primary redo.
Now, the Michigan House is in recess, and the point is moot. AND the citizens of Michigan are REALLY PISSED OFF. Angry people don't think clearly.
My contention is that Campaign Obama, if they want the state of Michigan in November (and I seem to remember something about a "50 State Strategy?") then perhaps their candidate ought to get off his ASS and start making some amends.
This isn't New Hamshire. It isn't even North Carolina. Obama, if he gets the nod, NEEDS Michigan, which could be 2008's Ohio if he doesn't DO something.
Now we are talking about a Presidential Candidate. This isn't JESUS. It isn't even JOSHUA. It's Barack Obama, a freshman Senator from Illinois, and to paraphrase the late Lloyd Bentsen, he isn't JFK or RFK either. But he sure could end up like George McGovern or Jimmy Carter.
Time for his supporters to be honest with themselves. YOU may think he's the second coming, but you're the ONLY ONES who think so, and you're not the majority of voters in this country. Hillary Clinton has a HUGE following as well. Or hadn't you noticed the delegate count having about 7% difference between the two? In fact, if they counted Michigan and Florida according to the vote with Clinton getting all she won in Michigan/Obama the rest and the same with Florida, it would be even closer. THEY aren't too happy with Obama. And you can't win without them. So let's start thinking REASONABLY here.
IF Senator Obama gets the "nod," then he NEEDS Michigan if he wants to get elected. Anyone thinking differently is kidding themselves, so what's he going to DO to get Michigan on his side?
I'm curious. Are you?
By the way, keep your "Praise Barack!" to yourselves. You won't convince me or any other non-Obama supporter with that nonsense. Believe what you want, but to quote "The Usual Suspects":