It Ain’t Me
Ramon Pinero 10/13/2003
It ain’t me…
I thought for some time that there was something wrong with me.
I kept hearing “It’s all good” and continue to wonder what’s “all good’?
Is it all good that more and more of our young people are disrespecting themselves and ignoring all the good things in life?
Is it all good when there are more latinos and “African-Americans” doin time than going to school and supporting their families?
Please don’t tell me ‘bout the “white man” keeping us down and puh-leeze don’t tell me not to “playa-hate” unless you can tell me just what the fuck that means.
It ain’t me.
I’ve seen too much shit in my lifetime to believe in fairy tales.
I know hard work. I know about having sick babies and being turned away ‘cause there was no insurance
So please… don’t give me that “Its’ all good” bullshit when our women are treated as marketable commodities and our little one’s are used as amminition and their little bodies desecrated throughout the world.
It ain’t me.
Not when we look away at the suffering of our children as they count your crack money and our daughters are turning tricks for food or drugs.
Sorry my friend, it ain’t all good until needeless pain is lessened and self-respect is more valuable than bling-bling.
It ain’t all good when you tune in the news and Ben & Jen get press than the children in Liberia and Appalachia, or Kobe buys his wife a four million dollar rock so he can get the support he needs from her.
Why is it ‘all good’? have you seen the news today oh boy…
Brown folk, Black folk Asian folk Native Folk
It is hardly “All Good”