Little Boys Ramon Piñero 6/12/2005
Little boys growing in the cesspool of New York, death and horror their future, hunger and want their companion.
Little boys growing in New York feeding on the despair of life, make their way into the minds of the powers that be; only after it’s too late.
Little boys growing in New York looking for their fathers and finding pimps instead. Looking for their fathers and finding them in jail instead.
Little boys looking for their fathers and finding them dead.
Little boys looking to become men find instead; lessons in how to rape. how to rob how to kill.
Little boys seeking wisdom find it in the latest 50 cent diatribe.
Little boys looking for their Mom’s finding instead a dream long forgotten; growing up alone growing up ignored.
Little boys growing up in New York looking for a way to live and finding death at every turn.
Little boys looking for the little boys lost within;
Finding only pain and suffering; finding a reality that numbs the heart that tears the soul and renders it into little tiny pieces.
Little boys growing up in New York; some of us made it out, some of us did not.