Poetry without the Politics ©Ramon Piñero 6/30/2005
let’s take the politics out of poetry; or at least that’s what my friend told me once.
he says ‘you write so well, but, you’re so damn political” so he suggests;
let’s take the politics out of the poetry and see what we have left.
I believe it was Joyce Kilmer who said “I believe that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a tree.”
now, let’s look, (if you will) at that tree; unprotected, naked as a Jaybird standing there, tall and proud. oldest tree in the forest. How long will it stand without the poetry in the politics;
without the poetry there would be no tree.
if we take the poetry out of politics how can we sing about life without adding the discourse of reality into the arrangement weave it into the fabric of the song.
let’s take the politics out of the poetry and I ask, what are we left with(?)
a canary without a song a cricket without a lyric; a dog without a bark a kiss with no embrace a beautiful woman without a painter.
let’s take the politics out of poetry; and what are we left with(?)
people walking over the bums on the Bowery and the junkies in the Bronx; the homeless in San Francisco the lost and the hungry around the world.
we are left with Sunday go-to-church folk who never look to the side; with their Biblical blinders on lookin’ straight ahead, oblivious to the suffering around them.
let’s take the politics out of the poetry; and what are we left with(?)
sunflowers that won’t bloom grass that won’t grow babies who won’t smile love that will not grow.
let’s take the poetry out of politics, and what are we left with(?)
I cannot take the politics out of the poetry;
it just ain’t me.