I couldn't bring myself to discard this old stuff, and it's inappropriate for my book.
I'm not overfond of poetry, but it's a good form for playing with when you have only a few minutes to write. Besides, it's mathematical (in forms I use), allows for abuse of commas -- and can improve one's appreciation for brevity and flow.
Lone Pine
A lone pine stands, At desert's rim, And keeps green sails, In bold full trim.
A forlorn hope, Of forest grand, Or for the one, A desp'rate stand.
One stands alone, As best one can, And builds a life, Be tree... Or man.
last leg
darkness comes and i feel afar the crushing weight of visions marred so slow my walk and ponder stars and feel alive til reached is car
to pick up cares as best i can for this i've found though not by plan to find eden first lose the man then walk in wonder on the strand
Yellow Rose
One last blush upon the rose, Radiant burst, petals gold, Perfume sweet, but it's all show: Life's last blossom, soon to go, Peak of beauty... death of rose.
Or perhaps:
Burns so bright the rose, Like a star falling to earth, Spent in its own fire.
(Lest this should be considered overly grave, it was inspired by some yellow roses I gave to a friend (ok, more than a friend), shortly before she was to move away. The fading of those roses was timely of the fading of what we had together -- a brief, beautiful flowering, then nothing but memories.)
The Fall
Do not say that you fell, heaven's charms, not fires of hell.
Monkeys with Fire
If the monkeys had fire, Would it bring down God's ire? Would they go out for hire, And then long to retire?
If the monkeys had fire, Would all things be so dire? Would more billions be sired, Then get stuck in the mire?
If the monkeys had fire, Would mankind turn criers? Would monkeys be buyers, Or condemn us to pyres?
If the monkeys had fire, Would they play on the lyre? Would they great art inspire, Or in skies fly higher?
If the monkeys had fire, Would they evil conspire, Be basest of liars, Or to goodness aspire... If the monkeys had fire.
Ice Lady
Smile, Ice Lady, and just relax. To you I bring no searing flash, To melt the hard ice of your mask. Instead, I bring flames, bitter cold, To warm the edges of your soul. But if of me, you would not know, It takes no more than saying so. But don't to me, your palace close.
Fair weather day, or is it foul, What goes, stormy little lady? The darkness of a brooding cloud, Or sunshine of a tender smile?
Now let us will the sun to stay, And join our hearts in solemn vow, To share the light of love each day, Together, forever, just this way.