Silence Jonathon Vann
Hallowed streetlights reflect off shattered liquor bottles- scattered like the ancients of the galaxy across the gutter, their liquid wishes spilt like the blood of a martyr, trodden on by countless-faceless hypochondriacs.
Hallowed streetlights reflect off shattered dreams- that have leaked forth from wallets across the nation, usurped like cocaine by the lord-gods of bastardized greenery, trodden on by countless-faceless societies. Hallowed streetlights reflect off shattered promises- dribbling from dishonest fountain pens across the skin, dousing everything in thieving kerosene-engulfing all in raging greed, trodden on by countless-faceless judges.
Hallowed streetlights reflect off shattered - that once upheld the harmonious vortex across the , destroyed as clandestine metallic thoughts churn through divinity, trodden on by countless-faceless people.