"We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanagable" (NA version).I'm interested in starting a discussion thread for each of the Twelve Steps. I think it would be a good resource for DU'ers to actively support each other and to refer back to along their path to recovery.
I'm working out of the Basic Text of Narcotics Anonymous, along with "It Works How and Why" and the "Step Working Guide". I have the Big Book and the "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions" of Alcoholics Anonymous, too, so I'm reading out of them. These are the big ones for me, but please tell us what other books and pamphlets are helpful for each step.
I have a lot of years clean, but I honestly haven't had a sponsor or actively worked the steps in seven years. So, about two weeks ago, the insanity got so great that I recommitted myself. I have started 90 meetings in 90 days (I'm on Day 13 right now). I got a sponsor. I am calling people from the rooms everyday asking about the first step. I am reading about the first step in the books mentioned above over and over. I am doing it all very fast. I'm not taking the advice of "Easy Does It" in this respect, so a lot of the actual conversations go in one ear and out the other. I'm not used to using the phone because I've spent so many years on message boards like DU, so I thought I would start a discussion here as a supplement and hope that I could get as much out of it as any of the other sources. Maybe we could consider this group a "room". There are online meetings out there. I've even seen them in chat rooms.
As far as the other 11 steps, I am not just going to start a thread, state the words in the step and say "Discuss". I recommend that someone who is actually working that step start a thread on it, especially if they have anything to say, and definitely if they have questions. I don't suppose, then, that the second step has to be the next one to be made into a thread. But I also don't want someone who hasn't worked the higher steps to consider themselves "working that step" if they start posting there. And definitely don't use these threads as a substitute for a sponsor or a real life meeting (unless you're disabled or something). I don't know how all this will work, I suppose a group conscience is what's needed in that regard. The self correcting blogosphere in action.
So, this is what I have to say:
My sponsor tells me that Surrender is the key to the first step. A long time ago, I remember someone talking about the word "admission" in the rooms. I believe that is the key to surrender. Admitting the powerlessness and unmanagability into our lives. Not admitting more drugs or alcohol into our lives, but letting go of control. By using, we were certain that we didn't have a problem, so we used (or drank) to control our feelings of pain, despair or shame. By admitting the idea of powerlessness, like you are an usher at a movie theater, into our lives and applying it to ourselves is the first step towards recovery.
So that is what I've got so far. I know there is tons more. Please don't respond to only this little paragraph (I hope somebody does), but please offer something new to the discussion of the First Step. My life depends on it.
Thank You