Edited on Wed Oct-04-06 04:17 PM by stellanoir
This is an excerpt from a channeling that was posted on another site last Friday night.
> We of the Hosts of God have cautioned you > ones, time and time again, to always seek first > inner balance and peace prior to taking any > action or making any major life-altering > decision. Why do you think we would > repetitively say these things? It is because we > see you ones constantly slipping into habits of > reactionary behavior, brought on by past pains > and fear, that will throw you into a yelling > match when a quiet and calm discussion > would be quite a bit more productive and > fulfilling. When you get centered within > and find peace, you are allowing your > frequency to raise, and thus it becomes > easier to connect within to your Guides > and Higher Source. > > Some escape the pressure of life and > responsibility by taking and using drugs. > Drugs (this includes alcohol) tend to to shift > your focus away from the past pains and > hurts, and allow you to experience a more > euphoric state of consciousness. Where the > problem comes in is that ones in their > drug-induced state often also drop their Light > shielding along with everything else. This will > allow for low-level astral entities to more > easily attach themselves to the host being. > These parasitic entities will assist the host with > justifying the need to have, say, a drink so that > one can “relax” after a “stressful” day. Thus > a downward spiral begins. > > This condition usually goes unnoticed until > the host is confronted, usually by a loved one > who is concerned for the well being of the > host. Then there is a confrontation. The > low-level astral entities do not like to have their > “meal ticket” taken away from them, so they > begin to exert their low-level influence over the > host entity in a more deliberate manner. The > result is usually a physical confrontation, with > the daring loved one becoming the focus of > abuse, or there results a family torn apart. > > You ones do not need to use alcohol, pain > killers, marijuana, cocaine, LSD, magic > mushrooms, or any other legal or illegal drug. > For the most part, these will only serve to > disconnect you from Source and distract you > into NOT fulfilling your purpose. Let go of > the vices and deal with the “pressures”, for > the pressures are why you are there. You are > never given more than you can handle and you > will be given to see a better way. The better > way will always require you to have your wits > about you, and will always have Creator God > as part of the solution. > > The perceived pressures come about due to > going against your life purpose. If you choose > to go after fame and fortune, rather than to > help prepare for the transition of a planet into > a new birthing, as you had originally intended > to do, then you will find that the internal > pressures are indeed building. However, don’t > worry, because if you do ignore these internal > signals (nudges), they will get bigger and > bigger until you can no longer just ignore the > “pressure”. This is the “bio-feedback” > mechanism of the conscience working and > performing its function perfectly. > > When the pressure gets to the point that you > can no longer ignore, it, you then have to do > something about it. Some will run for the > bottle and justify doing so by saying that it’s > the only way they can relax, or get to sleep, or > whatever. This ends up in a very vicious cycle > and usually will continue until the one > operating in this mode hits “rock > bottom”—rock bottom being alone, without a > job or money to support the habit, and in a > condition where change must occur. It is at > this point when ones will finally realize that all > they need to do is let go of that which is > justifying the addiction in the first place, and > in doing so a better answer will become clear. > > These ones who go through this type of cycle > are often afraid of public humiliation. The > ones who drink too much, and are in a state of > denial about it, will often find themselves > being arrested for drunk driving or spousal > abuse or such. This is often their own Higher > Self working with them so as to point out that, > yes indeed, they are off course and off > purpose. The public humiliation is often what > it takes for these ones to see themselves as > others see them. > > Allow for the recent unfolding events to play > out. The “housecleaning” has just started and > many are faced with making very personal > choices. Each must choose for themselves > what they will do, believe, and think. There are > no wrong choices. You will naturally choose > that which will garner you the greatest growth > opportunity. You cannot get it wrong. Those > who are truly serving The Light will not judge > you, or harass or coerce you. A loving friend > may very well try to “help” you to see a > situation from their perspective, but will never > condemn you for exercising your free-will > choice to walk your own path.
I'm in the throws of withdrawal from an addiction that had gotten out of control over the last 6 months.
When I hit a rough patch I keep re reading it again.
Hope it helps someone else similarly.