I don't know how long I have longed to be close with someone. For as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to truly know someone else and be known by them - and to bask in that mutual acceptance. Of course, as an addict, that was the one thing I could never really have. I convinced myself that I had to lie, that I had to stay distant, that I couldn't love or be loved, all in order to live in the shadow of my addiction. I thought that if anyone knew I would never stand a chance of being truly close with another. Little did I know I could never really be truly close with someone, myself even, unless they did know. That was the crux of my addiction - the lie that being close and open was too dangerous. It was, but only for my addiction. Not for me.
When Sarah discovered my addiction, she was shocked and didn't know what to do. I wish that I would of had the courage to come clean with her long ago, and not start building our relationship on lies, but that's one of my character defects - I am too beholden to fear. Nonetheless, she saw, firsthand, all the darkness in my life. The secrets, the things I was so terrified of anyone finding out, she found out. What's amazing to me is that she is still here. I've all but shattered the trust between us, yet she believes in me.
The point is that I've found what I've been looking for. She knows everything about me. I've come completely clean with her. I've told her about all the lies and half-truths. All my errors in thinking and delusions. She knows what I've been hiding for most of my life - and she loves me. That is something for which I am thankful for daily. My only regret is that I wish I would have realized so much earlier that I had what I was looking for all along, but that I was just too afraid to reach out.
Thanks for reading.