As I am sure you are aware, not all in AA use being in AA to justify their own nasty behavior. When a person is honestly using the AA principles in their lives, the positive changes can be astounding. I have met my share of people in AA who behave just like your ex does, using AA to justify it. Think about it like people who use Fundamentalist Christianity (or Fundamentalist anything for that matter) to justify heinous acts. I wish it did not happen, believe me, I do. But it does. It sounds to me like he may need counseling to be able to see how his behavior affects others. The rub there is that he has to become willing to go to counseling.
Now, I must admit, that I am human, and not all of my behavior is above reproach, but when I am truly living in the principles of AA, my behavior towards other people is far more civilized.
I am sure you heard this in Alanon, you can't change him, but you can change yourself. And because there are children between you, you will still be involved with him, on some level. What you need to do is find a way (whether it be Alanon, assertiveness training, counseling, etc.) to lessen the effect of his behavior on your life. It is not easy. And I am not able to do that for you. I think detachment may be one of the keys to this for you.
Again, I am truly sorry you are experiencing this.
If you ever need to talk, you can call me.