We make choices every day. Usually, those choices aren't that important. Cream or sugar. The bridge or the tunnel. Wheat or rye. Occasionally they can be important, like choosing which school to go to or who to propose to. Usually, at least with those kinds of choices, you make them once and stick to it. That leaves me wondering why, every day, I have to make a choice. I have to make the choice between madness and sanity, between sobriety and inebriation, between shame and grace.
In my weaker moments, that's a difficult choice to make because it seems like I'm between a rock and a hard place. A catch-22. No matter what I choose, the path is difficult and wrought with obstacles and pitfalls; pain and suffering. I can struggle, and I can stay sober, but I'll have to keep struggling to stay honest with myself and others. I can give in to my addiction, and I can go back and live in that world again - at least I won't have to struggle. What's more, it'll be familiar. I won't have to be afraid of living without my crutches and means of coping, I won't have to wonder what change will bring.
In other moments, I know I don't really have a choice, because I know exactly what is waiting for me in the gaping blackness of my addiction. I lived there for years, as I know many of you reading this have. It's already taken from me so much, and that's all it wants to do - take. It wants to take until there is nothing left of me but a shell of the person that I could of been. Until everyone who loves me and cares about me wants nothing more to do with me. Until my self-destruction is complete. Until I am not free. Prison is a possibility, but the prison I've lived in with my addiction is a certainty - shackled by fear, compulsion, and guilt.
I look at the consequences that my addiction has wrought thus far, and I know the I need to take. I look at myself in the mirror, and I know the path I need to stay on. I look at Sarah, and I know why.
So why, then, is that a choice that I have to make? Because I am an addict - that is the madness. That is the madness for all of us. We are intent on deluding ourselves into thinking that this time it won't be so bad. That this time, no one will have to know. That this time, no one will get hurt. That this time, will be the last time. When, all along, deep down, we see those for what they are.
The fact is, there is no rock and the hard place. There is no catch-22. There is no reason for me to go back to where I've come, and that holds true for us all. We've all been there, and we've all seen what it can do to us...who else but a madman would want to see it again?