I went to meet with my new employer yesterday, and as I crossed the parking lot for the meeting, I had a big moment of truth:
I have a lot of motivation other than the new job to stay sober, but I must admit that the job is an extra incentive. It's the type of job where I could be called at any time to give a legal opinion (yeah, I'm a lawyer) and I have to be on my toes. I absolutely, positively, must be sober. (While alcoholic lawyers doing three martini lunches are a classic stereotype, that was never me. I got in trouble with alcohol when I STOPPED working, i.e. the bored drunk housewife stereotype. The G'mas and G'pas have pointed out, however, that alcohol would have caught up with me eventually no matter what I did).
Anyway, the meetings went great, and I'm feeling the return of a level of self-confidence that I thought was gone for good. I feel stronger mentally and physically -- and I cannot believe these changes have come in just two short weeks. My sober life is, truly, a miracle to me.
So, another round of thank you's to all of you here in this group. I would not be here without your guidance, encouragement, and support.
Much love -- MBD.