I've proven that to myself yet again, in a series of bad associations I made and through which I've encountered a lot of drama. I'm trying right now to surrender to the fact that I screwed up, that I ignored red flags and because of that I am going to have to walk through the pain. It sounds dramatic, but I am only copping to this because I have been fighting tooth and nail to deny to myself that these people hurt me, because its 'only' online. I know that I have to face my feelings, whatever they are, process through them, and let them go. I have already seen some movement of karma that completely took me by surprise, so my course of action I decided on, to step out of the way and not defend myself and let people dig a karmic hole without any help from me, seems to have been the right one. I fell back onto old codependent ways of relating, and it is time for me to grow up and listen to the red flags, and not be so trusting, the universe is making that abundantly clear now...no more do-overs, it's time to 'put on my big-girl pants' as a wise friend of mine says, and *give myself the time* to discern whether someone is trustworthy or not, meaning months, not days or weeks. I have aspergers and I believe that I am about 15-20 years behind where many people my age are when it comes to understanding what motivates the kind of behavior that I've been on the receiving end of; it just isn't in my repetoire, which is something that probably only other aspies and people who understand autism understand. I only drank heavily for about 5 years so I don't claim the developmental offset that folks who have long drinking/addiction careers do. In any event, I am sharing all this because I am having a whale of a time surrendering to my feelings about this situation in particular, because I am so furious with myself for being so completely stupid.
It was and is the same with addiction, I think, I'm angry at myself and the world for not being able to 'handle' certain things, which other 'normal' people can handle, it doesn't compute intellectually that I should be different from others, so I 'take it back' whatever the behavior is. I think my trusting the wrong people, which I referred to above, was conformist and based on me wanting to not surrender to the signs my gut was signalling to me...I wanted to be 'like everyone else' and feel 'a part of'. It was very childish, immature behavior, now that I look back on it, and I paid for it.
In all the circumstances I can think of, my lack of surrender has really been a denial of self, a denial of the truth about myself, of what I know about myself, whether regarding addiction, or what my gut is telling me about certain parties. It's entailed turning off the voice within and listening to an external or otherwise unhealty one. So I suppose surrender could be turned around to mean having self-acceptance and developing the ability to listen to what that 'still small voice' tells me, instead of the voice of my disease (of alcoholism/codependency, etc) yelling over top of it.