I'm Critters, and I'm powerless over my emotions.
I've been doing Step One work with my Emotions Anonymous sponsor. It's made me curious about whether all 12 step programs do this the same way. We have a booklet, entitled "Step by Step", with questions that you answer in writing for each of the twelve steps. For instance, the first question of Step One work is "Describe your home life during childhood. How would you describe your relationship with the important people in your life? Be thorough, describing each relationship." Another oe asks "When did you first see your emotional problems as serious? What happened? How did you feel?"
We're asked to write answers to these and share them with our sponsor, who may press us to give some answers more thought, or otherwise respond, preparing us to work the next step. There's also an "EA Workbook" that some sponsors use. Until I started this, I didn't realize how much discipline and thought it takes to work the program. And now I find I'm curious about other programs. No real reason, just curious.
Do your other programs have the same kinds of written components? Do you have a workbook, something like "Step by Step", or other literature that walks you through the steps? I think what I'm wondering is whether you understand what I mean when I say I'm doing "step one work". How does this process go in your program?
Thanks for letting me be a part of this group. I'm grateful!!