I'm varkam and I'm a sex addict. I've been sober now for several months. My bottom-line behaviors (things that, if I do them, constitute a relapse) include pornography, affairs, or having sexual contact with women I do not genuinely care for.
Lately though, I've been struggling more. I don't really know why it is...perhaps I just needed a reminder that I'm still an addict. A few things have happened, though, that I think have shaken me up a bit. For one, there's a very attractive woman trying to get me in bed. I guess most guys wouldn't have a problem with that, but then again most guys don't have my problems. The issue is that I don't genuinely care for her. I like her, but it's not any deeper than that. If it were deeper, then it would be fine...but being honest with myself I know that I would just end up using her. I told her all that, and her response blew my mind: I don't care if you hurt or use me. Well...I do care. It's just hard, though, because someone wanting me is...well it's like a shot of heroin (or at least how I imagine that would feel). So far, though, I've been steadfast in keeping things platonic between us.
Also, I've just been having a lot of anxiety with respect to getting my law school application finished. It's a lot of ducks to get in a row. I think that I'd be good enough to get in, but the big question mark is my felony conviction. I can go to law school and practice law with a felony...I'm just wondering if they'll be able to look past it. I suppose here I just need to practice some serenity concerning the things that I cannot change.
This anxiety, though, has been triggering other issues for me (i.e. the desire to look at pornography - which is how I always used to deal with anxiety). Usually I have some serenity and so I'm able to accept things and just go with the flow. When that doesn't work, I'm able to run on spite...just not wanting to give the nay-sayers the satisfaction. Here lately it's been spite all the way...and I know that's just not healthy at all. It keeps me abstinent, but it doesn't keep me sober...if that makes any sense.
I realize it might be strange for some of you to read all of this. I understand from fellow addicts that sexual issues are usually hush-hush in other fellowships...so I guess I just want to say I appreciate you reading.