from the nice folks at Just Pass It On MSN group Steps To Destruction
1) I stated that I could hold my liquor and was master
of my life.
2) Believed I was sane and rational in every respect.
3) Decided to run my own life and be successful in all
my undertakings.
4) Made a thorough and searching inventory of my
fellow man and found him lacking.
5) Admitted to no one, including God and myself, that
there was anything wrong with me.
6) Sought through alcohol to remove my shortcomings
and responsibilities and to escape the realities of life.
7) Got drunk to remove these shortcomings.
8) Made a list of all persons who had harmed me, whether real or
imaginary, and swore to get even.
9) Got ever whenever possible, except when to do so would further
injure me.
10) Continued to find fault with the world and the
people in it, and when I was right, promptly admitted it.
11) Sought through lying, cheating and stealing to improve myself
materially at the expense of my fellow man, asking only the means to
get drunk and stay drunk.
12) After having a complete moral, physical and spiritual breakdown as
a result of this kind of living, I tried to drag those who were dear to me
down to my level and practiced these reasoning's in all my affairs.
The Promises of Alcoholism
1. If we are casual with this phase of our development,
we will be drunk before we are halfway through.
2. We are going to know a new imprisonment and a
new misery.
3. We will relive the past and won't be able to shut the
door on it.
4. We will comprehend the word CONFLICT and we
will know PAIN.
5. No matter how far down the scale we have gone,
we'll sink even lower.
6. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will deepen.
7. We will gain interest in selfish things and lose interest
in our fellows.
8. Self esteem will slip away.
9. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will SUCK.
10. Fear of people, and of economic insecurity will multiply.
11. We will intuitively know how to run from situations, which never used
to bother us.
12. We will suddenly realize that God would never have done to us what
we are doing to ourselves.
Are these extravagant promises? We think not!
They are being fulfilled amongst us every day
--sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.