Law school was a lot harder than I had anticipated, for many reasons. Foremost, I was expecting it to be a lot like a full time job - but in reality it was like two full time jobs (in addition to my part-time job that I kept to try to make some money). I'm getting some grades back now, and it turns out that I have done pretty well for my first semester.
But there have been a couple of troubling aspects to it all. It's been a lot harder to stay serene mentally. That's really been my fault - I made a lot of decisions out of fear, and I suffered as a result. Instead of being brutally honest with those closest to me about my struggles, I have in to shame and isolation. I have taken care of that, at least insofar as getting honest with the people that matter is concerned, but I know that I can't keep doing that.
I guess one of the reasons for that was what I found out about the bar exam. To make a long story short, there's going to be problems with me getting to sit for the exam, which no one at my school knew when they accepted me even despite me disclosing my past. Depending on who I have talked to, the probability ranges from "snowball's chance in hell" to "uphill battle". I might have to end up suing to get my license (kind of appropriate, when you think about it), or I might not get it at all. And so I was afraid to be honest with people, thinking that if I was honest then I'd shoot myself in the foot when it came time to apply for the bar.
I realized that's a really dangerous way of living. Recovery (for me, anyway) is built on personal integrity. I might be able to improve my chances by lying through my teeth - but at what cost? It is a tremendous act of surrender for me to be honest and let the chips fall where they may. I have to understand that most of this is going to be out of my hands, and the only thing that I can do is to do the next right thing. If it turns out that I really can't practice, then so be it, but I don't want to do it if I can't get there through honesty and integrity.
I'm not looking for a free pass for the things that I have done. I understand that I have cause a lot of pain and suffering for a lot of people. I try to do my best to make amends, and maybe all of this is just part of that. We'll see. In the end, though, I figure that this is worth it. I believe that there will be some way I can put my knowledge to use for others. I might even be able to practice, if not here then elsewhere, and if not after graduation then sometime down the road.
At any rate, I just want to say thanks to everyone here for their support in my recovery. It's helped immensely.