and whatever appearances to the contrary, it, that loving prevenient care can never be derailed.
Of course, there are non-believers who cannot accept that such extremities of cruelty and suffering as we read about in the papers or hear on the news could be allowed to happen by an all-loving and all-powerful God, and that, in a sense is, of course, a rational response. Our lives seem the "be all" and "end all" while we suffer in this valley of tears, yet how could it be compared to eternity, to a life without end of infinite joy, is the way believers interpret this suffering.
Unfortunately, I'm prone to regularly explode during the course of the day, but I generally do so to relieve momentary anguish, and so it doesn't go very deep or fester. However, sometimes, like today, I keep wingeing, harping on the same theme, really because I don't want to "let go" - though it's all surface and doesn't depress me, because I can never forget Providence's role. I must have got a certain comfort from whingeing about it to my wife, though. But it's barmy reallyand I know there's a comical element about my impotent rage.
Yesterday, I couldn't get a bet on an internet bookie's site through a fault of its own software, and it won at 15/2. I might even have got a better price. Today, I wrote down that I'd staked so much on a win bet - it even looked as if I'd added a little to my original stake. Nowhere to be found. I must have intended to do it and been distracted. It won at 13/2 and I was hooting with joy.
Indeed, many believers of other faiths, too, are convinced that God's Providence is never derailed, nor ever could be. To the materialist, that is irrational, but as Hamlet said to Horatio (or was it Hagar the Horrible to Lucky?) "There are more things in heaven and earth than were ever dreamt of in your philosophy, Horatio/Hagar?"
Low spirits though hit us all at different time in differing degrees, of course, and people have different ways of coping as best they can, SPKrazy. Scripture has some passages I find beautifully soothing, such as "For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength." Also, of course, music can contribute.