and when I needed to stop doing MJ, it was NO problem.
I'm not an alcoholic, just lurk here sometimes because I havehad one in my life, and still try to make some sense of it. So maybe it's different for an alcoholic. But I can say I'd only smoked cigarettes for about 6 months and realized I was addicted, I said the hell with this shit, but for a few months I tried everything I could think of and got nowhere. Finally I just decided that whenever I wanted a cigarette, I'd smoke a doob instead. And no going to bars - Hugely important for curing nicotine addiction, I think.
Ok I was in college, I don't recommend this approach for most adults who have, you know, jobs and stuff. But I did get the best gpa that quarter of the whole year. Because all I did was go to class and study. And get stoned of course.
I really hope they legalize marijuana, it's ridiculous for people to be jailed for growing and consuming a natural plant. I'm tired of my tax $ being spent on the counter-productive drug war. I don't smoke now because I have better things to do with my life. But the day may come when it would be appropriate for me to smoke a little now and then, if it weren't friggin' illegal. I think I should have that option, just as we give people the option to consume alcohol even though it's potentially problematic for almost anyone.
I don't know if that's the kind of answer you were looking for but it's my honest experience.