all of that artificial junk in it, the sweeteners if diet, the high fructose corn syrup if not, the caffien isn't that great for you either, plus it's more expensive and it's supporting big corporate whatever.
The trick to cutting down on soda, I think, is to think of soda as a TREAT rather than as your "default" drink. So think of it as like a dessert. You don't eat dessert with every meal. A lot of times you don't eat dessert every day. If you cut yourself down to 2 a day, then 1 a day, then try to skip a day, and so on, you'll be able to cut it out entirely eventually and you won't even miss it. I used to LOVE Coke and I'd have one with lunch, one in the afternoon, one with dinnner. I was drinking 3 or 4 a day and it was really packing on the pounds. I slowly started to cut down and made water the default beverage and now I don't drink it at all. I actually tried some the other day and I didn't even LIKE it -- I thought it tasted too "chemical" and nasty.
It's amazing, what your body can get used to.