I'm a 38 year old Mom in Nebraska. I'm currently 5'0" and 157 pounds which gives me a BMI of 25 and puts me just at the lower edge of obese. JEEEEEEEZ was that hard to admit and find out about myself! Like most of us I guess I'm probably harder on myself than anyone else would be. I hate looking in the mirror but I'm going to get over that in the next week or two. I'm going to lay off the processed foods and fried tofu and get back to reasonable portion control. I'm going to eat more fresh and raw vegetables again. I really LOVE raw and fresh vegetables so how and why I got out of the habit of eating them more often? I don't know. Convenience maybe?
Just 3 years ago I was very near my ideal weight of 115 pounds. That sound like too small I know but remember, I'm a short stuff LOL! I was very happy then, I actually wore clothes I liked and enjoyed how I felt. I kept that size for a pretty good amount of time always trying to stamp out those infamous last five pounds. Last winter I did a little bit of backsliding and probably put on about 5 - 10 lbs but then in the spring I was back on track and taking them back off. That's when I hurt my back. I thought I was destined for a wheelchair for a while but lucky for me I have a wonderful neighbor who helped me and while I do still have some pain I'm ready to start exercising and getting this weight off again. I think it will help the back problem to carry less around and get stronger again.
I plan to check in here every day because I've seen so much positive thinking and great ideas and advice in here. I'm going to be more conscious about my what I eat and stock the fridge with healthy fresh food. I'm going to continue to exercise every day because it's hard at first but I'll feel better and I know that because I've done it before.
I think when I go into the doctor next month I'll ask her about an apatite suppression prescription or what she thinks might be best. Have any of you used a prescription from your doctor? Did it help? Were any of them awful?
HAPPY VALENTINES DAY EVERYBODY !!!!! Have a pretty rose on me :)