down at the bottom of his page there is a link to them ...
here is a link to one of the recipes this is the link that has a few of his other recipes that you can access by clicking on their titles. in the meantime hope he can get the book to you real soon. he also has a CDRom called "Culinary Classics-Essentials of Cooking for the Gastric Bypass Patient." which i think may have some of the recipes in his book.
I've adapted several of these recipes for myself and rather than cooking in the oven, or on top of the stove, i've purchased a 2 quart crockpot from Rival and i've started cooking in it. (my husband never liked my cooking--which i myself don't like to cook--i ate his cooking for many years, but he likes to cook with a lot of grease and oil and ...added to the fact that i love food, i gained all of this weight that i am now working on losing. So far since January I've lost 30 lbs.
I have a lot many more pounds to lose. I spent quite a few weeks eating just the five food supplements that were allowed in my diet (and that I purchased through usbariatrics). Now I am allowed to eat one meal a day, usually 3 0z. protein, plus one cup vegetables and a salad plus THREE of the food supplements (and I sneak in a cup of café latte, 2 slices of cheese and a slice of bread) for my morning breakfast and again in the evening i sneak another cup of latte and a slice of cheese (no bread) and that usually then holds me till the next day.
The hypnosis sessions that i placed myself under helped me, i think, achieve the 30 lbs. weight loss and the fact that i've not gone bonkers eating things i should not be eating when it would be so easy for me to do so. (my son's mother-in-law will be getting married in May and I am dreading having to go to the wedding/where after the ceremony, i am sure, some good food will be served. it will be a trial for me. i hope i don't break my new pattern of eating--usually for me if i break it once, i just break it altogether.