Edited on Wed Jun-01-05 10:19 PM by lavenderdiva
Maybe we could give one another new ideas about recipes or menus. Also we could share any new products we have tried, and what is working for us, and what is not...
After having tried Atkins full-out a few months back, I am now trying to incorporate more of it into my diet. I have an Atkins breakfast, all low-carb snacks, and an Atkins dinner. However, for lunch, I have a Lean Cuisine and an apple. While I know these are not Atkins choices, they help me with portion control, easy accessibility, and variation. When I was on Atkins completely, I found myself eating the same thing, day-after-day, and I got sooo bored.
About 15 years ago, I lost 75lbs (of course, I've gained it all back plus some by now) by eating no breakfast, Lean Cuisine + apple for lunch, Lean Cuisine + salad for dinner. That was one tough program. I had the jitters like crazy and wanted to eat anything that wasn't nailed down. I did lose the weight, but it was the hard way.
The thing I liked about Atkins, was that I never felt hunger pangs, and my mood was very even (no jitters). That made it much easier to stay on program. So I am kinda now incorporating the 2 diets into one program, that I think will work for me.
My other issue is portion size. I have REAL trouble with that. I know about using your fist-size for meat portions, etc. but putting it into practice just escapes me. When I go to fill my plate for dinner, I get frightened that I will be hungry later, and sure enough, there is a big ole plate of food in front of me! And we wouldn't want anyone to starve because Lavenderdiva didn't clean her plate, would we? I really do feel guilty if I don't clean my plate. My Mother would be proud, but I am having to deal with all this extra weight from those lessons that were way overtaught!! So, I need help with the portion sizes and guilt...