Edited on Sat Apr-29-06 10:18 PM by lavenderdiva
use Purell. Hand Sanitizer. It cleans your hands as clean as a surgeon's after they scrub for surgery. I used to work for the nation's largest sanitary maintenance distributor. I used to have to train all our CSR's on what did what. Purell is one of the best things you can use to avoid colds. Also keep Clorox wipes around. Wipe down the handle on your grocery cart. Wipe down your phone and computer keyboard. Wipe off your headset. Stuff like that. Places where lots of people touch, cough, or breathe, and might spread their germs.
I am so sorry you and Jeanette have been under the weather and without insurance. I can commiserate with you both, as my husband and I haven't had insurance for many, many years. We can't go to the doctor unless we have a heart attack or something. No preventative care. Its just too damn expensive. I have high blood pressure, and I needed a renewed prescription recently for it. I called my internist to renew it, and he wouldn't call a new Rx in, unless I came in to see him. So okay, we were going to bite the bullet; I needed the Rx. This was back in February. When can you see me Doctor? JUNE!!!!! F---ing JUNE! That was his first available appointment, to me. Now, my mother-in-law goes to him all the time, has excellent insurance, and she can e-mail him, and get in to see him that same week! Hmmmm. This is the woman, to whom I have preached the need for Universal Healthcare for ages, and who adamantly disagrees, as she WILL HAVE TO WAIT TOO LONG FOR AN APPOINTMENT! Now, we don't have Universal Healthcare already, and I don't have insurance now, and I have to wait 4 months for a Doctor's appointment? What is wrong with this picture? Needless to say, she and her husband are both Repubs, voted for *, and STILL think he's doing a marvelous job!!!!
Anyway, I well understand your situation, and am thankful to hear that soon you and Jeanette will both have insurance, and not be faced with this predicament again. Get well soon--