we need Universal Healthcare, IMHO. As I've posted before, Mr. LD and I have been living without health insurance for many years. We struggled financially through a serious car accident, where every bone in my left arm was broken, and I now have a steel rod and 11 pins inserted in it. It was our financial undoing. We are still trying to get back on our feet after that. But we can't afford health insurance, and we both don't work for companies that offer it. We are self-employed. Therefore, for us to get insurance, we have to pay the highest rates out there, and that's if we could even get accepted, because of pre-existing conditions!
Today, an article came out in our local paper, (and it has since been posted on DU, in another forum) about how Britain's citizens are much healthier than Americans. I truly believe that this has to do with the fact that they have access to healthcare. They can take preventative measures and have checkups.
link to article here:
http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headline/nation/3834560.htmlGentle Giant, just this week, posted a thread here in this forum, about how expensive it was for him to go to the doctor and get his Rx's for his condition. He and Jeanette will soon become eligible for healthcare through their jobs, but until then, they are responsible.
I can't afford to get my cholesterol checked, have yearly checkups for my high blood pressure. I must figure out a way to 'heal myself', as it were, as I suffer with plantars fasciitis (sp?). Mr. LD is a landscaper, who does a lot of physical activity each and every day. I am always worried that he will hurt himself, or that one of his workers will hurt themselves, and then we will be responsible.
I can't tell you how aggravated I become when I hear the stories from my MIL, about her latest Dr's visit. She and her husband have excellent insurance, still subsidized by the company he used to work for, and have Medicare as well. Anything that those 2 don't cover, they pay for themselves. Last week, she told me how her nails were splitting, and she made a Dr's appointment, and got a prescription for that! I almost felt insulted, having to listen to that, when we can't even go get much-needed routine care. She's a repub, and proud of it. Doesn't want to hear about Universal Healthcare (even though she enjoys a form of it- Medicare), as quote: 'her Dr's appointments would be affected, and she'd have to wait too long for them'.
I'll get off my soapbox, but you can see how adamant I am about this issue...