Has anyone read this book? What do you think of it?
The idea of boosting your metabolism with the foods you eat is intriguing to me.
Physician Hyman (Ultra-Prevention: The 6 Week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life) delivers plenty of scientifically grounded information about weight loss myths, effective individualized strategies centered around the theme of stoking metabolism and a detailed six-week plan—complete with menus and recipes—that "will help you lose 11 to 21 pounds" in those first six weeks. The data and prescription the author provides are far from simple, and results, if attained, are not automatic. But dogged readers will come away from the book with a thorough understanding of dieting principles, such as the timing of meals, portion size, glycemic load, phytonutrient index, the weight loss benefits of relaxation and the optimized functioning of the thyroid. There are straightforward principles buried in the text, such as "eat fruits and vegetables" and "move your body," plus tips for eating out (e.g., "don't be afraid to ask for substitutions in a dish," "request a 'crudités platter'... instead of the breadbasket" and "order a light drink"); adhering to these tips alone should prove beneficial. The opportunity for readers to remember and apply any of the more involved information is a possible positive side effect.More here: