Your post doesn't say what kind of surgery your friend had. There are many offered. Gastric Bypass seems like an umbrella term these days. I would be most interested to know which operation she had and if she's compliant in her eating and supplementation.
Now about me;
I tried every diet know, every drug legal and illegal. I took the pounds off, changed my lifestyle and then regained the weight. I'd diet again, perhaps a crash diet, lose a lot of pounds and then, you guessed it, I'd regain. I was harming my body more than I realized. It finally got to the point where I continued to gain no matter how little I ate. I never really did have a huge appetite and I usually (not always) ate what I thought was reasonably healthy.
After 3 years of research, talking to people who had surgery, visiting Dr's who performed the surgery, I made the decision to have the "Biliopancreatic Diversion with a Duodenal Switch". This is the most malabsorptive surgery available. I MUST be diligent about taking my supplements. I MUST eat enough protein and I MUST have regular check-ups with my Dr. Check-ups include but are not limited to blood work. I have had a bone density test done at one year after surgery and all is well.
I did have some issues with my vitamin levels, potassium and iron levels. It was my own fault, I wasn't following the guidelines as stringently as I should. Now that I am back on track I feel better than I have in years.
The decision to have surgery is not one made lightly. "Just diet" I was told, "just get control" "Geez, you're going to take the EASY way out?"
I would never recommend surgery to anyone, but I would be supportive and helpful when and if I was asked what surgery I thought to be best.
Don't tell me I took the easy way out. There was and is nothing easy about what I've done. I had to see a psychiatrist for an evaluation, to see if I had what it takes to be compliant. I faced myriad tests to make sure my body was healthy enough to support the change I was making. I don't expect this to be a road paved with gold. With hard work, diligence and wonderful family and medical support I will have a healthy life. I'm not taking ANY of the meds I was taking before surgery. I'm not a drain on the health system. I can and do enjoy my life with my husband. I have so much to look forward to.
For information on the surgery I opted for see: is NOT my website, but it is very informative
