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So tell me: Does it EVER stop?

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Health & Disability » Weight Loss/Maintenance Group Donate to DU
Systematic Chaos Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jul-05-06 10:16 PM
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So tell me: Does it EVER stop?
I'm going to try and make a long story short here, so bear with me. Over the last few weeks I have developed an ulceration on the big and second toes of my left foot which was greatly exacerbated by the fact that I needed to move our stuff to a new place and had to help out until I couldn't bear the pain anymore or we'd have never gotten out of the old place in time. Since 2002 I have had a varicose ulcer on each of my shins and both of them went away without serious complications, but a shin infection is a whole different ball of wax than one on the foot when you have to spend at least some time each day on your feet.

I finally made it to a quick care center - the proud owner of an insurance card once again after being uninsured and without any medication for over 6 months - and was told that I will need to make several visits to a wound care clinic. In addition my blood sugar was found to be almost 400, and my blood pressure about 150 (kinda bad) over 105 (f**king atrocious) and there's no way in hell that an injury like mine can heal under those conditions. I was given 10 units of insulin on the spot, plus a pair of prescriptions for medications for that and a run of cephalexin. These past few weeks I have been more active in spite of the summer heat, and I'm also right on the cusp of going beneath 400 lbs. for the first time in a couple of years. Both the quick care and my new primary physician had me at about 402.5 fully clothed. It really gets my goat that the sin of being uninsured and therefore unable to maintain a regimen that worked very well for me has yielded such a serious problem. I want to go out and move and do stuff and I'm pretty much unable to, as every step I take is like sandpaper across the tops of my toes.

At least I know what I need to do now. I'm reverting my diet back to one of brown rice, vegetables, and not a whole lot else. Trans-fats and high fructose corn syrup are out, no exceptions. And of course, the $6.00 chicken fried steaks from hell at the Terrible's casino diner are out, as is anything else that has to be carried out to me on a plate over a foot across where you can't see one speck of the bottom for the huge portions draped over it.

At least my new primary care doctor said that from the looks of it, my prognosis is excellent on the foot, but he's chomping at the bit for my medications to kick in for a couple weeks so he can have more lab work done which will yield normalized results. You can bet I'll be back here keeping everyone posted. It's always nice to have this group to come to and talk about things.
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GardeningGal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-06-06 06:14 PM
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1. Wow GG, good thing you went to the clinic
I'm glad you got insurance so you could go. Makes me mad that we don't have health care for all Americans. Make sure you follow the medication regimen, those numbers are a bit too high.

I'm with you on the trans-fats and high fructose corn syrup. Problem is, you really have to read labels because the corn syrup seems to be in everything anymore. I've been trying to eat more fresh foods this summer. Now that I have a few things in my garden producing, it's been easier.

So take care of yourself and get healed up!

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lavenderdiva Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-06-06 08:49 PM
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2. thank goodness your insurance came through for you-- just in time!
I'm so sorry to hear about your foot- it sounds painful. And I know you are on your feet a lot of the time. Please be good about taking your medication. Also, when you get home, elevate!

I know I've needed a kick in the pants about getting serious regarding my high blood pressure. I've had it for years, and while I have always taken my medication, recently, I've had to go to half of my prescribed dosage, because Mr. LD and I don't have health insurance, and can't afford the prescription as its written. (Universal Healthcare NOW!) I really need to get rid of this weight, so I can lower my blood pressure and get off of this super-expensive medication once and for all!

Take good care of yourself! :hi:

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auntAgonist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Jul-07-06 09:27 AM
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3. GG I'm glad you're on the mend!
My goodness you have had your share! Good for you in getting back on track with your weight. Take care of yourself and get healthy! We want you around for a LONG time.

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