Well, as is typical of me, I seem to always wait until a major tipping point to come here and post anything. I don't know why I'm not more accepting of support much of the time, because for the past couple of months I've really needed it. Today was some of the first good news I've had in the interim, though, and it came from - of all people - my doctor.
I have mentioned here in a couple of existing threads that I'm coping with a diebetic ulcer on my left foot. Unless you have actually had one of these then you can't imaging the constant pain and discomfort that comes with one. I have already had an ulcer on each of my shins, one of which was due to self-neglect and the other was caused by heavy doses of very dangerous medication. The first was in 2002 and it started only days before my first trip to Phoenix to meet Jeanette for the first time. I called her from the doctor's office the day it finally sunk in that I had a serious problem, and I will never forget the abject terror I felt that she was going to want to call everything off at that point once she realized that I was "damaged goods." The second one happened about 18 months ago, when I spent 7 weeks with my left foot in a cast, ostensibly to treat plantar fasciitis. Not only did the time spent out of work and immobile accomplish exactly nothing, but the huge amount of water I retained due to large, long term doses of prednisone and indomethacin caused an ulcer on the leg that was not in a cast.
As painful as each of those was, this one on my foot with its vastly increased nerve activity and sensitivity has just about driven me insane. It is healing, but the process is VERY slow, and for the last three weeks I have been deprived of sleep, missing work, and throwing temper tantrums that would do most colicky babies proud. I was supposed to see my doctor last Friday, but he was on vacation and that ended up being rescheduled at the last minute. I finally got my chance to see him today, though. Bear in mind that less than two months ago I stepped on his scale and came in at 402 fully clothed, and anticipating being well under 400 by my next visit. I didn't know exactly what I was in for in terms of this foot at the time. My activity level for the past 2+ months has been virtually nil, and because of my inability to move around I have been miserable. Add to that the pain, and I have been grazing almost continuously to comfort myself and to give my fucked up emotions an outlet. On his scale today, I was 4-fucking-34. I'm once again less than a sack of flour away from my lifetime high. I rather loudly threatened to shoot the scale after I got off it, and I don't believe I was joking....
Jeanette accompanied me to the room where I waited for the doctor. When he came in I explained my situation and begged him for something to help me sleep at night, because the only thing I can compare what I'm going through right now to is before I got my CPAP machine for sleep apnea and I was getting literally NO REM sleep, only right now I can breathe, but instead I'm in constant pain too. He looked at my foot and was pleased with what he saw, but he had the nurse scrub the area of all the dead skin and stuff and boy was that ever fun :P. He then prescribed for me one of the painkillers in the -contin family (not oxycontin but something a step or two below - still some mighty strong shit) to help me sleep, as well as a month's supply of a brand new medication for diabetic neuropathy. He is confident that with this I will be able to function once more, and should have little problem sleeping like I should.
After that was done, we got into discussing my lab work I had done about 10 days ago. The doctor ordered me to get a full battery of blood work, plus a urine sample to determine kidney function. As I sit here typing this it is still hard for me to grasp it, but believe it or not, after all this, the ONLY number that was far enough outside the normal range to be worrisome was my HbA1c (or moving average blood sugar index), which was 7.9. That number should be below 7.0 for diabetics, and below 6.0 for non-diabetics. My total cholesterol was only 171 with an LDL of 104. Not great but once I begin exercising again that will improve on its own. My triglycerides were 115. Perfectly normal, and I've heard of many people nowhere near my size with measurements hundreds of points higher than that. Not one major nutrient, electrolyte or other indicator was out of the normal range. I got a note excusing me from going in to work after the appointment because I already felt tired due to yet another poor night's sleep, so our temporary roommate took Jeanette to work, and so now I'm sitting here feeling happier than I have in ages... even with the sudden and steep weight gain.
Jeanette and I have both scheduled concurrent appointments to see him again on 9/19. I made him a promise that between now and then I would do whatever it took to get just 5 out of the 32 pounds I've gained back off. Also, as soon as we can afford it, I will be ordering a really sweet recumbent exercise bike. It's not as good as the Life Cycles that are in health clubs. The home versions of those cost over $2,000. But this one is about $750 and does all the same things, and comes with a 3-year warranty. I can sit and pedal for as long as my stamina will allow, without having to worry about stress on my foot injury. When I got as low as 378 before my plantar fasciitis kicked in, I had a much cheaper model of the same thing to thank for it. Unfortunately, when we were forced to move suddenly we had no way to bring it with us and so it's not with me anymore. I will be keeping this new one though, no matter what.
I have made a firm decision that I will either get this weight thing completely under control by my 40th birthday, or if I'm still 100 lbs or more overweight I will seriously consider surgery for it. I have too much to live for to be in all this pain, and somehow my body has maintained a great deal of resilience. Somehow, when countless thousands of people in my age bracket who aren't nearly as big as me have major organ failures and end up dying because of bad lifestyle choices, I have managed to keep most of my fundamental numbers intact. To continue gambling with my life this way is just foolish, and if something seriously debilitating were to happen to me it would be nobody's fault but my own. I promise all of you who are regular visitors here that I will post at least once every couple of weeks from now on, no matter what. I will stay in touch and not go into a shell if I'm having trouble, because if I continue to do that then there's virtually no way I will pull out of this. As always, I deeply appreciate your time, concern and feedback. Here's to the health, well-being and happiness of ALL of us! :grouphug::toast::grouphug:
On edit - Not 15 minutes after I post this message I discover this thread:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=102x2485066Mike Malloy fucking GONE from AirAmerica Radio. GONE! Financial decision my fat fucking white ASS.
My roommate is on his computer right next to me playing World of Warcraft or so help me I would be crying my eyes out. They're already watering.
Fuck me.