of image. When I went from 425, to 235 in 94-95, I didn't see any difference really...and the only thing that made it register to me, that I did lose weight was the clothes I was now fitting in, and the pictures of myself that I would see....I would look in the mirror, and I would see a fat man, I think its a weird phenomenon, or maybe its not weird at all. To me, it was hard, because I didn't feel any different in that regard...Every time I looked in the mirror I saw my 425/fat self...I never saw my 235 self, unless I saw a picture of myself...does that even make sense? How far can our own perceptions of ourselves be twisted?
I notice the same now...I look in the mirror, I see myself, I know Im' fat, but I don't look that bad I believe...but when I see a picture of myself, I look extremely fat...I look HUGE. Does that make sense? I can look at myself in the mirror, see a decent image, and take a picture...and both images register differently in my head...maybe its a kin to what Morpheus told Neo in the Matrix, about "how our mind creates, how we see our digital selves." Its still boggling to me....
And congrats on your weight loss, I didn't realize you were at the end of your goal(are you?) :hi: